Monday, March 23, 2015


Looking back at my recent Q/A blog post makes deeply sad. I was so happy. What happened?

About a month ago my boyfriend and I agreed to go separate ways, because we couldn't take the long distance and the jealousy. I've never felt such regret in my life. How could this happen… We were together almost 16months. I seriously regret not taking things serious when it was needed. I just thought it wasn't such a big deal and pretended that everything was ok…When I realized it was a huge problem it was too late. I reacted to slow, I really thought we would be good again and that I learned a lesson for putting problems aside. However, it might be a lesson for life.

How did our love end? Or is it still there? I am still terribly confused.
I just wished we were back together, back to when we were happy and didn't care. Falling in love and having fun. Building new memories and just living the moment.

He's still not speaking with me right now, it breaks my heart over and over the more he pushes me away. We literally used to talk everyday on fb or Skype. I've tried to talk to him but he has already set his mind on being single.

"I'm mad for always being nice, always apologizing for things I didn't do, for getting attached, for making him my life, depending on him, wasting my time on him, thinking about him, forgiving him, wishing for him, dreaming of him, but most of all, for not hating him.. I just can't. "

If we just got another chance, or if I could just redo everything. I just can't stop wishing, dreaming… when will it stop. Will he ever be mine again? I wish… :(

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